The Beauty of Business Tour w/Roberta Nicole (Branding & Marketing)

1/19/2016 09:05:00 PM 0 Comments

Happy Tuesday ‪#‎BOBDivas‬
Be your own BOSS! Don't have to wait on layoffs, pink slips, or downsizing.
Join me on The Beauty of Business Online Tour with Business Influencers & Money Makers who have launched their online business sucessfully. You will hear testimonies that will empower you and motivate you to build your brand and market your business to your dream clients. 
These ladies have taught me valuable lessons, that I have implemented in my business. 
When I first started this online tour, I wanted to encourage women that needed a push to get their business off and running. Many women are looking for resources, guides, and tips this is the place. Please listen to one of my first guest. Roberta Nicole. Please share and give feedback. Thank you Audrey L. Woodley


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.