Turn Your Hustle into a Cashflow.

Photo credit Tiffany Smith

As many of us may have tried to start a business but sometimes lack quality mentorship, financial support, and mentorship, which can cause heartaches and stress.  My business shifted from learning how to use my coaching skills and turning my business around with my Seven-Week Mindfulness Business Program. Note, I started my second business around 2013  Better Destination Media.  I wanted to create a marketing company for women who needed public relations and integrated marketing, and business mentorship. Fast forward to 2019, I lost my job as a math teacher and started doing more work with my company and registered to practice law for fall 2020. I launched my book tour at the Essence Fest in 2019, podcast, and got my business certification with SBA.  

Since I've pushed myself to be more mindful about the business partnership with BDMedia, Inc. I've been able to partner with Black Bloggers Chicago as the Vice-President and position the company to contract with brands such as Nordstrom, Amazon, Target, and NBA.  Our goal for 2020 is to collaborate with small businesses and women in government contracts.  

My question is for you

Are You The Side Hustler? 
You have a 9-5 career job and still managed to launch a business on the side. Kudos to you, you are among the many women who’ve decided to branch out to create an additional stream of income. It’s not easy, but it doesn’t have to be blood, sweat, and tears. Your core problem is you’re not attracting the right people, your copy doesn’t speak directly to your target audience and doesn’t compel them to buy your product. As a Side Hustler, you can’t afford to work harder without hard and fast returns on investments. It’s time to work smarter by seeking the right help. As a Business & Brand Strategist, my role is to show you how to grow your niche and increase your bottom line. I take the hustle out of side-hustle.  

Your Brand Therapy Solution:
As a Side Hustler, you’re working twice as hard and need brand therapy to streamline your workload. Brand Therapy for the Side Hustler includes:

  • A customized Engagement Plan that helps you effectively engage your audience
  • A Product Launch Strategy to create exposure with launching your products/services
  • Event Idea Creation
  • A Marketing Strategy to build your email list
  • A Monetization Plan to monetize your platforms and build your influence 

Professional services we also provide:
Media placement
Marketing Packages
Digital Advertising 
Product Sponsorship 
Business Courses

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.