Master Your Workflow & Systems

5 Ways To Improve Workflow and Systems
To Build Your Digital Platform

It’s no secret, if you want to become the go-to woman in your niche, then you must make building your brand online your top priority.

Brand building online is what is going to leap your business to the forefront of your industry. It will get your brand in front of the right people, otherwise known as your DREAM CLIENTS.

And the only way they are going to find you is through strategic content marketing and networking online.

However, the problem that far too many girl bosses face is streamlining all of the varied tasks that is apart of building a brand online.

Have you found yourself struggling to consistently post to social media, write blog posts, schedule clients, and build your email list?

If this is you, then that means that you need to have systems in place in order to improve your workflow and get your brand well known in your niche.

Let’s break this down by 5 key areas:
·      Project Management
·      Editorial Calendar
·      Time Management
·      Client Scheduling
·      Email Capture

You may view project management as a concept just for teams. But even as a solopreneur you can greatly benefit from using an online project management app.

They stream line your projects with ease. Allowing you to see exactly what needs to be done and when for each client.

Two that I recommend are:
Both have free options, which is perfect for solopreneurs.

If you are not creating and using an editorial calendar for your content marketing in 2017, then you are leaving money on the table.

An editorial calendar is an organized way of mapping out what content you need to create and when you should create it. You can use it for planning blog posts, email marketing, press releases, pitches to the media, product or service launches, and social media scheduling.

Online there is the CoSchedule app that you can use digitally. But, if you are a pen to paper kind of woman, then head over to Etsy and grab one of these fun but incredibly helpful editorial calendars, like this ONE.

Is time management one of your biggest challenges to running a smooth biz? It is for many girl bosses.

The most common challenge in this area is dedicating the time to dive into social media for brand building purposes.

The best way to overcome this challenge is by scheduling your social media posts. It will be a lifesaver for your biz.

Both HOOTSUITE and BUFFER offer easy to use ways to write, save, and schedule your social media posts.  

Give them a look and let me know what you think in the comments.

How many times on average do you go back and forth in emails communicating with a potential new client?
If it is more than once, then you need to use Calendly or Acuity. Both allow potential clients to schedule an appointment directly from your website or via your social media links.

You will receive an email notification of sign-ups and then that its. You can then focus on preparing for your first session or meeting together from there.

Growing your email list is crucial for growing your business online.

In order to maximize each new subscriber you receive you must have a system in place to further, cultivate a relationship with them.

Zapier or Mail Chimp is perfect solutions for streamlining this needed task in your business.

Those five key areas will make the difference in taking your business from drowning to thriving. Your workflow and productivity will increase by leaps and bounds.

I’ve included an INNOVATE WORKFLOW CHECKLIST for free that you can download to ensure that you stay on top of your brand building this month.

If you need one-on-one guidance for building and streamlining your brand online, then let’s talk!

Contact me HERE.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.