Network and Social Media Ad Promition

At FEW Entertainment Social Media Boutique we understand that as a small business or non-profit, you have to choose your sponsorship opportunities wisely. We’ve taken every measure to ensure that you not only get exposure to the political, professional, and celebrity guests, with a classy and up scale media like,  but we've also put you in front of our social media networks, as well as Embracing Your Beauty Networking Series.
Invited and confirmed media includes outlets from local news stations to print and web media. Getting featured on Blog Talk Radio is easier than you think. Remember, “You invest, where you want to grow”.
The Pump: $59 a month
-Logo placement on the COI Website (1) month
-Link to company website
-FEW-Entertainment  Radio
-Weekly posting on fanpage
Network Specialist for Community and Business Development.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.